Cinnamon Bun Breakfast
KofC 8215 is hosting their second annual “Cinnamon Bun Breakfast” by donation after the 9 and 11 am masses on the 23rd of October. Knights, please volunteer through the email below to help.
Priest Prophet King
Knights of our council and all interested parishioners are cordially invited to participate in and volunteer for, the Priest Prophet King (PPK) men’s faith and fellowship night The events will be held on the third Wednesdays of each month. The kickoff event features our very own Father Gerard discussing St. John Vianney’s Way of the Cross: Ascending through Descending, on the 19th of October. PPK starts at 7:00 PM with Adoration and Confession with Father Gerard starting his discussion around 8:15.
Celebrating 40 Years
Knights of Columbus Dennis Mahoney Council #8215 celebrated the 40th anniversary of the council’s inception. To commemorate this special occasion the Knights hosted a special celebration on Saturday, October 22nd beginning with Mass at 5:00 pm followed by dinner and a special program. This was held at The Cathedral of the Holy Family. A big thank you to all who showed up to celebrate this very special day.
Steak Night
Steak Night Fundraiser
Prairie Knights Inc. – supporter of Blackstrap Youth Camp
October 29, 2022
Sami’s Sunrise Grill – 418 47th street
Happy Hour – 4:00 pm / Dinner at 5:30 pm
For tickets call or message: 306 221-5893
Cost – $30.00
Music Festival

Stay TUNED for more information as the festival date approaches.
In Support of Life
Saskatoon Knights of Columbus
In Support of Life February 26th, 2022
Hosted by Queens House of Retreats, this event will have 4 parts Including:
- Presentations – Representatives of the 6 Pro Life groups we support will make a presentation for about 5 minutes explaining the work they do.
- On Line Auction – This auction began on Feb. 1st. Items will continue to be added for the first 2 weeks of February 50/50 raffle Tickets are $5.00 each or a book of 10 for $50.00. If all the tickets are sold, the winner will receive $2,500. Call Murray for tickets (306 222-9952).
- Donations – will be greatly appreciated. You can donate 2 w Click on the links for the 2 organizations that are registered charities (tax advantage) or write a cheque out to K of C ISOL. Contact Murray (#above) for the address.
- Participation – In order to participate, you must register with Queens House. Registration is free. Go to org
Choose In Support of life to register for both the event and the auction.
Check out our video in support of life. (Note that the password is “ISOL”.)
Knights 50/50 Raffle
A big thank you to all who purchased a 50/50 ticket. We raised $5615.00. Congratulations to John Marshall the eventual winner of the 50/50.
Cardinal Collins

Cardinal Collins is coming to Saskatoon June 6-8. He will be at the Cathedral on Friday, June 7th. The cost is $100 to register.